The first national workshop on the WAAS information was held in Cotonou, Benin, June 6, 2019

WAAS - The first national workshop on the WAAS information  was held in Cotonou, Benin, June 6, 2019

After Burkina Faso (May 2, 2019), Senegal (17 May), Ivory Coast (May 22), Benin is the fourth country who organized a national information workshop on the WAAS. The workshop, implemented with the support of WAQP, helped celebrate the World Day of accreditation. Sharing was also made on the labQUAL repository and the Regional System of ECOWAS Accreditation (ECORAS).
At the official table, the WAEMU Commission (Resident Representative), the CEO of the Agency for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control (ANM), the Ministry of Industry and Trade -MIC ( Cabinet Director ), the GD of the WAAS, the European Union, the Representative of the National Assembly.
The accreditation certificate 1st WAAS SOAC accredited laboratory in Benin was formally presented by the MIC Chief of Staff to the Director of the calibration laboratory ANM also Vice - Chairman of the Committee Community Metrology ECOWAS (ECOMET).
Newsletter of the International Cooperation for Accreditation (ILAC) on the acceptance of the WAAS as associate member since May 8, 2019 was presented by the CEO of the WAAS to CABDIR of the MIC. As part of promoting the infrastructure of the quality of the region in general and accreditation, in particular, this workshop is the first to have recorded the presence of a representative of the National Assembly, including the honorable MP Paulin Gbenou.
Several stakeholders, including consumer organizations, representatives of universities and students, quality management education schools took part in the work.  

Publié le June 06, 2019